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VTK (Vest Trauma Kit) Standard Kit

VTK (Vest Trauma Kit) Standard Kit

The VTK inserts comfortable in the officers vest, chest plate pouch.  It is lightweight, concealable inside your vest and it is with you everywhere you go as long as you are wearing your Kevlar protection.  You will not notice that you are wearing the kit.  It has the essential supplies to stop massive external bleeding, airway management, treat sucking chest (tension pneumothorax) injuries and it is equipped with CPR protection. The VTK is also equipped with the officers "PMI", Personal Medical Information.  

A "PMI" (Personal Medical Information) is a card inserted in the VTK. The PMI card transfer's critical information to the caregiver. It provides EMS and hospital staff your blood type for immediate blood transfusion, allergy information, medical history / medications and emergency contacts information. It is extremely important not to delay care to gather personal information or to breach the ethical responsibility you have to protect officers medical privacy. Pre-Planning saves time and lives. It gives the hospital a better understanding of the officers past and present medical condition without delaying treatment.
  • Details

    VTK: Standard Kit $30.00
    Trauma Gauze
    Windlass Webbing Tourniquet
    CPR Face Sheild
    PMI Card

    Trauma Gauze
    SWAT-T Tourniquet
    Nasal Airway
    Hemostatic Dressing
    4X4 Gauze
    CPR Face Sheild
    PMI Card

    VTK: TQ Kit
    Trauma Gauze
    SWAT-T Tourniquet
    Nasal Airway
    Windlass Webbing Tournuquet
    4X4 Gauze
    CPR Face Sheild
    PMI Card
    (Not recommended to carry inside vest chest pouch
    due to shrapnel potential)

    BTK: Belt Wear Kit
    SWAT-T Tourniquet
    Hemostatic Dressing
    CPR Face Sheild
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